Sunday, May 10, 2020

Why Keep Science and Art Separate When Both Complement Each Other So Beautifully?


Be it Science, Art or any other field, the resourcefulness of research outcomes are best yielding only when one dedicates it to the world for it's betterment. However small it may be, it always begins with baby steps.

Open Research at GizmoQuest Computing Lab is an initiative to help contribute into diverse computational fields. Computing can be applied anywhere and is never restricted to Science alone. Computational Music with AIVA is one fine example!

Humanity in particular is currently in challenging times, and Science is being tested like never before. But, art skills can also make a significant difference in people's lives.

Social media in particular, has turned into an enormous resource for staying updated with Corona Virus and CoViD-19 data. But, just as Artificial Intelligence can learn from different music compositions to create it's own, learning from Twitter data in particular to create logical conclusions around the virus and disease can also be very insightful especially when combined with human intervention.

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